
Starting Off The New Year With New Adventures

We hope everyone has had a restful and relaxing holiday season, and as we move more into the month of January the more we need to look ahead to the Club’s plans for the near future. Without further ado, here is what our schedule is shaping up to look like in the next couple of months! Can’t wait to see everyone again soon!

January Meeting – Naval Architects and Stability

Our meeting this month will be at 1000 on 11JAN25. We’ll be meeting at Yellow Creek’s Environmental Learning Center (“ELC”) located at the following address: 2-216 Pond Ln, Penn Run, PA 15765

Our guest for this meeting, who will be attending remotely, is Dr. Kenneth Fisher. Dr. Fisher has been kind enough to drop by and introduce our Explorers as to what exactly a naval architect is, as well as give an introductory lesson on vessel stability (that way we understand what is going on during our capsize drills!).

February Meeting – Deckies, Compass Degrees, and Relative Bearings

Our meeting this month will be at 1000 on 08FEB25. We’ll be meeting at Yellow Creek’s Environmental Learning Center (“ELC”) located at the following address: 2-216 Pond Ln, Penn Run, PA 15765

Our guest for this meeting, who will be attending remotely, is Capt. Richard DiNapoli. Capt. DiNapoli will be dropping by to explain about the life and responsibilities aboard ship as a deck officer, as well as to dive in to some lessons on compass degrees and relative bearings.

March Meeting – Racing!

Our meeting this month has been rescheduled to 22MAR25 at 1000. Location will be weather dependent, so stay tuned for future updates regarding the particulars of this meeting. Until then, save the date!

April Meeting – Baltimore Trip

Mr. Arthurs is putting together a special treat for the April meeting! We’re currently scheduled to sail on the Pride of Baltimore II from 1300-1500 on 18APR25 (note date change). Please note that that is a Friday so please be sure to secure the necessary field trip permissions from your Explorer’s school so they can attend this very unique event!

The details are still being worked out for this event, including a potential overnight on one of the other historic vessels in Baltimore harbor. However, until we’re able to have everything confirmed please save the date for 25APR and we’ll get more information to you as the date approaches!