
Sign-Up Night – 23 Aug 2023

It’s that time! The engines have been tested, the mooring lines are stowed, the pilot is aboard. We’re now ready to ‘take departure’ on this first and abbreviated voyage for 2023-2024! Whether you’ve visited us at a open house or heard about us another way and are ready to jump in, here’s the station bill (duties assigned to the crew)!

10 Year-Olds Entering 5th Grade

Showed up to the open house and disappointed that your child is a grade too young for the program? Check out the sailing membership at our Chartered Organization, the Friends of Yellow Creek. This is a family membership that would allow you participate in separate but similar activities as the weekly events that the Explorers will be taking part in during their summer weekly meetings. Plus, its a great way for families to begin learning how to sail together for adults that are interested in learning the ropes!

Maritime Explorers Club

For our Explorers entering 6th-8th grade, please complete the paperwork you received in your folders (or which can be downloaded here) and bring it to the FOYC Sailing Base this Wednesday, 23AUG (in addition to your usual sailing gear). For those who are not currently registered with another BSA unit, please be sure to bring $103 for the registration fees (or be sure to fill out the registration assistance application found in the forms).

Can’t make it Wednesday but still want to be part of the fun? Send a copy of the application electronically to

Sea Scouts

For our Sea Scouts entering 9th grade to age 20, it looks like we’re going to have to do some more tacking and jiving to get the requisite number of members to start a Ship. With this in mind, if you are interested in joining, please also complete the paperwork you received in your folders (or which can be downloaded here) and bring it to the FOYC Sailing Base this Wednesday, 23AUG or send a copy of the application electronically to Once we have the requisite number of applicants we’ll reach out to everyone and set up an official sign-up night!

Alternatively, those who are aged 18+ and have an interest in the program are encouraged to contact us to discuss potentially coming aboard and assisting with our Explorer Club Program.